Module 1:Database concepts primer
- What is Database Application?
- Testing the Application vs. Testing the
- DMBS Back
End vs. Front End Testing
- QA’ ing Data – Who is responsible?
- What should be test in the Database?
- Knowledge required for the Database
- Tester Database Testing Phases
- Database Testing Methodologies
- Structural Database Testing
- Functional Database Testing
Module 2: Basic SQL (Structured Query Language)
- SQL Coding Standards – what you need to know
- SQL Basics : Select, Insert, Update and Delete
- Using the select Statement to Test data
- Using the insert Statement to generate Test data
- Testing for application accuracy using the
Update and Delete Statements
- Testing for basic data integrity using Constraints
Module 3: Testing with SQL
- Joining Tables
- Using SQL Queries for Data Verification
- How Concurrency Issue affect data accuracy
- Database Objects
Module 4: Using SQL in Scripting Languages
- Structural Database Testing using TOAD Tool
- Keys and indexes
- Stored Procedure tests
- Trigger tests
- Integration tests of SQL server
- Functional Database Testing Using QTP with VB
- Dividing Back End based on Functionality
- Checking data integrity and consistency
- Test back end via front end
- Login and security
- Stress testing
- Catching common Database application hacks
- Test cases protecting against SQL Injection and
other common hacks